Thursday 12 April 2012

The Final Leg

This week concludes the end of a class that has exposed me to different forms of public media, and this one last post for my ALES 204 class is a reflection of all that I have learned.  I was by no means at all naive upon registering in this class about technology, yet I still find that this class has had a lot to offer and I am certain that it will help me in my future endeavors.  The creation of an online blog, a professional Facebook page, learning about how to make a Wikipedia page and also lectures from many different people concerning the enormous world of online communication are only a few of the things that I have taken away from this class.  While I could spend a lot more than four paragraphs reflecting upon this class, I will speak of the things I found to be most valuable, and also of things that I wish we covered in more detail.     

Luz Tapia, Harmony Pond, Retrieved on April 11 2012 from

The highlight of this class for me was creating my Wikipedia article.  While this project was difficult and the end product is still far from complete, I am very proud of my work.  Not only did I learn how to navigate the Wikipedia system, but I was able to see for myself how easy it could be for someone to post unreliable information.  Upon beginning this class, I was a little surprised that we would be using Twitter as a way to communicate and had absolutely no intention in keeping it after I had finished.  However, I now find myself using Twitter several times a day outside of class and find it to be an extremely valuable tool that I will keep and continue to use. By using hash-tags and following people I have become a part of a community of people with similar interests, and I am able to instantly receive information about areas of interest.    I have heard in increasing frequency in the news recently that many companies do Facebook background checks, and trouble people have gotten into when posting inappropriate content.  I have always been careful about what I have posted online, and by creating a professional Facebook page with a resume included, it will be easier for potential employees to find what I want them to see.  I am not too sure however, how viable having a professional Facebook page is as a student, when I also have a personal Facebook page under the same name.  Surely someone who is doing a Facebook background check would check both the pages?

The internet is a wonderful place filled with endless possibilities; This was the main message of the class.  We touched upon finding useful information, how to cite materials properly and were also cautioned about what we put on the internet will be forever online.  I do agree that the internet is a wonderful place, but I am also aware of the many dangers that we risk when using the internet.  When we hear that the internet is a dangerous place, many think of unsupervised children, yet the majority of the dangers target the adult population. While I am aware of these dangers, such as scamming, phishing, trojan viruses, and fraud to name a few, I am certain many people push these dangers into the back of their heads while surfing the web, myself included.  An article I found addressing some of these concerns can be found here, and I recommend that everyone takes their to time reads this.  For those of you that clicked on, or thought about clicking on the provided link should be aware that I could have linked absolutely anything, from an inappropriate website to a file that could have contained malicious malware.  While I am sure that many of us are aware of these risks, I am sure it was the last thing we thought of.  Fortunately, the link I provided is what I had promised.  A valuable module that could be added to the class would be one that focuses on these dangers and perhaps going over options for computer protection.  This class may not be a computer programming class or intended to teach software, however learning about computer protection is an extremely practical and useful skill to have.  

I would like to thank Dr. Laccetti, Pamela Bentley, Erin Dul, the other teaching assistants, along with my classmates for an enjoyable term, and I wish everyone the best of luck on final exams.  I would also like to give a special thanks to Sydney, Erin, Jessica, Sarah and Hannah who's blogs I commented on throughout the term.  If anyone is considering taking this class, I recommend it.  Not only because it is better than English, but also because I'm sure like me, one will find that this class has a lot to offer. 
Ozarg Tiger Soccer (2011), Thank You For Another Great  Summer Sizzler, Retrieved on April 12 2012 from:

May all your dreams come true, except for one so that you always have something to strive for,

Josh Perryman

1 comment:

  1. After reading your comment about wikipedia being the highlight of class I would have to say I agree. I spent a lot of time on my page. I learned not only about wikipedia, but a great deal about my topic. I had heard about clubroot from some friends in the oilfield since it is a big issue in Edmonton right now, and then it was mentioned again in my Plants class. It was meaningful to me to put something out there that was a current agriculture issue, even if it was just wikipedia. I was really proud of my article and references I found in the timeline I was allowed. I am glad you also enjoyed this class and you were a blast in lab presentations. Thanks!
